[NAME] ALL.dao.grammar.constexpr [TITLE] Constant Expressions [DESCRIPTION] Drafting in progress. 0.1 Constant Atomic Expression 1 ConstAtomicExpression ::= ConstIdentifier | Integer | Float 2 | ComplexImaginary | LongInteger | String | Symbol 3 | none | false | true Where ConstIdentifier represents identifiers for constants such as routines, classes, nam espaces, type names and user defined constants. 0.2 Constant Primary Expression 1 BuiltinMathFuncsMinusRand ::= 'abs' | 'ceil' | 'floor' 2 | 'real' | 'imag' | 'arg' | 'norm' 3 | 'acos' | 'cos' | 'cosh' 4 | 'asin' | 'sin' | 'sinh' 5 | 'atan' | 'tan' | 'tanh' 6 | 'exp' | 'log' | 'sqrt' 7 8 ConstPrimaryExpression ::= ConstAtomicExpression 9 | ConstEnumerativeExpression 10 | '(' ConstExpression ')' 11 | ConstPrimaryExpression '::' Identifier 12 | ConstPrimaryExpression '[' [ ConstExpression ] ']' 13 | BuiltinMathFuncsMinusRand '(' ConstExpression ')' 14 | ConstExpression '(' [ ConstExpressionList ] ')' 0.3 Constant Expression List 1 ConstExpressionList ::= ConstExpression { ',' ConstExpression } 0.4 Constant Enumerative Expression 1 ConstEnumerativeExpression ::= ConstArray | ConstList | ConstMap | ConstTuple 0.5 Constant Array 1 ConstVector ::= '[' [ ConstExpressionList [ ',' ] ] ']' 2 ConstMatrix ::= '[' ConstExpressionList { ';' ConstExpressionList } ']' 3 ConstVector2 ::= 'array' '{' [ ConstExpressionList [ ',' ] ] '}' 4 ConstMatrix2 ::= 'array' '{' ConstExpressionList { ';' ConstExpressionList } '}' 5 6 ConstArray ::= ConstVector | ConstMatrix | ConstVector2 | ConstMatrix2 0.6 Constant List 1 ConstList ::= [ 'list' ] '{' [ ConstExpressionList [ ',' ] ] '}' Note: a list enumeration started with { has to appear inside an expression. 0.7 Constant Map 1 ConstMapKeyValue ::= ConstExpression => ConstExpression 2 ConstHashKeyValue ::= ConstExpression -> ConstExpression 3 4 ConstEmptyMap ::= '{' '=>' '}' | 'map' '{' [ '=>' ] '}' 5 ConstEmptyHash ::= '{' '->' '}' | 'map' '{' '->' '}' 6 7 ConstMapEnum ::= [ 'map' ] '{' ConstMapKeyValue { ',' ConstMapKeyValue } [ ',' ] '}' 8 ConstHashEnum ::= [ 'map' ] '{' ConstHashKeyValue { ',' ConstHashKeyValue } [ ',' ] '}' 9 10 ConstMap ::= ConstEmptyMap | ConstEmptyHash | ConstMapEnum | ConstHashEnum 0.8 Constant Tuple 1 ConstArgumentItem ::= [ Identifier '=' ] ConstExpression 2 3 ConstTupleEnum1 ::= '(' ConstArgumentItem ',' ')' 4 ConstTupleEnum2 ::= '(' ConstArgumentItem ( ',' ConstArgumentItem ) + [ ',' ] ')' 5 ConstTupleEnum3 ::= 'tuple' '{' [ ConstArgumentItem { ',' ConstArgumentItem } [ ',' ] ] '}' 6 7 ConstTuple ::= ConstTupleEnum1 | ConstTupleEnum2 | ConstTupleEnum3 0.9 Constant Expression 1 ConstExpression ::= ConstPrimaryExpression 2 | LeftUnaryOperator ConstPrimaryExpression 3 | ConstPrimaryExpression BinaryOperator ConstPrimaryExpression