


Keyword var can be used to declare local and global variables. 
   1  var current_index = 456    # global variable;
   2  var current_name  = "def"  # global variable;
Variables can be initialized with any expressions.
If used at the top lexical scope, it will declare global variables, otherwise the declare
d variables will be local. 
   1  var variable = "global variable"
   2  for(var i = 1 : 5 ) {
   3      var variable = 123
   4      if( i > 3 ) {
   5          var variable = "local variable"
   6          io.writeln( variable )  # Output: local variable
   7      }
   8      io.writeln( variable )  # Output: 123
   9  }
  10  io.writeln( variable )  # Output: global variable

Inside class body, var can be used to declare class instance variables, which are stored 
in the class instance objects. They can only be accessed with class instance objects. 
   1  class Klass
   2  {
   3      const name = "Klass"
   4      var   value = 123
   5  }
   6  io.writeln( Klass.value )  # Error!
   8  var klass = Klass()
   9  io.writeln( klass.value )  # OK!