
Switch-Case Control


Switch-case control provides a convenient way to branch the code and choose a block of c
ode to execute based on the value of a object.

 0.1   Definition  
   1  SwitchCaseStmt ::= 'switch' '(' Expression ')' '{'
   2                     { 'case' Expression [ ( ',' | '...' ) Expression ] ':' ControlBlock }
   3                     [ 'default' ':' ControlBlock ]
   4                     '}'

A switch-case statement generally looks like the following: 
   1  switch( expresssion ){
   2  case C_1 : block_1
   3  case C_2 : block_2
   4  case C_3 : block_3
   5  ...
   6  default: block0
   7  }
If the expresssion equals to C_i, block_i will be executed. Here C_i must be a constant, 
but they can be of different types, that means, you can mix numbers and strings as case v
alues. Unlike in C/C++, no break statement is required to get out of the switch.

If you want to execute the same block of codes for different case values, you just need t
o put them together in the same case: 
   1  switch( expresssion ){
   2  case C1, C2, C3 :
   3      block3
   4  ...
   5  default: block0
   6  }
As a simple example, 
   1  var a = "a";
   2  switch( a ){
   3  case 1, "a" : io.write("case 1 or a");
   4  default :  io.write("case default");
   5  }