
For Looping Control


Dao supports three different styles of for loops: 
  *  For-in loop;
  *  Range for loop;
  *  C style for loop; 

 0.1   Definition  
   1  ForIn ::= 'for' '(' ['var'|'invar'] Identifier 'in' Expression {';' Identifier 'in' Expression} ')'
   2                ControlBlock
   4  RangeFor ::= 'for' '(' ['var'|'invar'] Identifier '=' Expression ':' [Expression ':'] Expression ')'
   5                ControlBlock
   7  CFor  ::= 'for' '(' [ LocalVarDeclaration ] ';' [ Expression ] ';' [ ExpressionList ] ')'
   8                ControlBlock
  10  ForStmt ::= ForIn | RangeFor | CFor

 0.2   For-In  

For-in loop can normally used to iterate over the items of a container object.

It is probably most useful with list, 
   1  var numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
   2  for( num in numbers ) io.writeln( num )

For-in loop can also be used with map or hash map, 
   1  var mapping = { 'AA'=>11, 'BB'=>22, 'CC'=>33 }
   2  for( pair in mapping ) io.writeln( pair )
When iterating over a map or hash map, the iteration variable (pair) will store each pair
of key and value as a tuple.

In a single for-in loop, multiple in expressions can be used to iterate over multiple obj
ects simutaneously, 
   1  var numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
   2  var mapping = { 'AA'=>11, 'BB'=>22, 'CC'=>33 }
   3  for(var  num in numbers; var pair in mapping ) io.writeln( num, pair )

 0.3   Range For  

A range for loop uses an arithmetic progression condition to control the loop. The arithm
etic progression condition usually consists of an initial value, an optional step value a
nd a stopping value. 
   1  for(var index = 1 : 2 : 10 ) { # step value = 2;
   2      io.writeln( index )
   3  }
   4  for(var index = 1 : 10 ) {  # step value = 1;
   5      io.writeln( index )
   6  }
The loops will start with index=1, and with each loop cycle,  index is increased by two o
r one, when index become greater than 10, the loop will stop.

 0.4   C Style For  

C-style for loop is the most flexible for loop construct. It generally looks like the fol
   1  for( init; condition; step ){
   2     block;
   3  }
The essential execution logic or steps of for statement is the following, 
  1. Execute the initial expression init;
  2. Check the condition expression condition;
  3. If true continue to the next step, otherwise exit the loop;
  4. Execute the code block block;
  5. Execute the step expression step and go to 2; 
The detailed steps may depends on the implementation but the basic execution logic is the

   1  for(var i=0; i<3; ++i){
   2     io.writeln( i );
   3  }
   4  for(var i, j=0; i<10; ++i, j+=2){
   5      io.writeln( i, j );
   6  }