
Do-While Looping Control


Do-while is a simple looping construct that executes a block and repeats the execution u
ntil its looping condition become false.

 0.1   Definition  
   1  DoWhileStmt ::= 'do' ControlBlock 'while' '(' Expression ')'

A do-while loop generally looks like the following: 
   1  do {
   2      block;
   3  } while ( condition )
It executes block, and then repeat executing it until the condition become false.

 0.2   Examples  

   1  var i = 0
   2  do
   3      i += 1
   4  while( i < 10 )
   6  do {
   7      i += 1
   8      io.writeln( i )
   9  } while( i < 15 )