


Serializer is the module to provide methods for serializing data structures into strings
and deserializing from strings. It also provide methods to serialize and deserialize an e
ntire namespace. These methods include: 
  *  serialize(value:any)=>string
     Serialize a value to string. Primitive types (such as int, string) and container typ
     es (such as array, list, map and tuple) are directly serialized. Objects of C data t
     ypes and Dao classes can be serialized if they define method named serialize() that 
     return data that can be directly serialized.

  *  deserialize(text:string)=>any
     Deserialize a string into a value. Serializations from primitive types (such as int,
     string) and container types (such as array, list, map and tuple) can be directly des
     erialized into values. Serializations from objects of C data types and Dao classes w
     ill be deserialized into primitive values or container values first. If the C data t
     ypes and Dao classes has defined constructors that can take these values as paramete
     rs, such constrcuts will be used to construct proper C data objects and Dao objects 
     as the deserialized values.

  *  backup(tofile='backup.sdo',limit=0)
     Backup the current namespace by serialization to a file.

  *  restore(fromfile='backup.sdo')
     Restore a namespace from a backup file.

Upon loading this module, these methods are imported to the std namespace.

   1  load serializer;
   3  list1 = { 1.3, 2.5, 3.6 }
   4  list2 = { (any)(name=>'dao',year=>2006), (123+456C, 'abc'), [1.2, 3.4; 5.6, 7.8] }
   6  s1 = std.serialize( list1 );
   7  s2 = std.serialize( list2 );
   9  io.writeln( s2 )
  10  io.writeln( s1, std.deserialize( s1 ) )
  11  io.writeln( s2, std.deserialize( s2 ) )
  13  map1 = { 'abc'->123, 'def'->{} }
  14  s3 = std.serialize( map1 );
  15  io.writeln( s3, std.deserialize( s3 ) )
  17  class Klass
  18  {
  19      var index = 123;
  20      var name = 'abc';
  22      routine Klass( ){ index = 789; }
  23      routine Klass( i : int, s : string ){ index = i; name = s; }
  24      routine Klass( tup : tuple<int,string> ){index = tup[0]; name = tup[1]; }
  25      routine serialize(){ return index, name }
  26  }
  27  object = Klass( 456, 'def' );
  28  io.writeln( object.serialize() );
  30  ss = std.serialize( object );
  31  io.writeln( ss );
  32  object = (Klass)std.deserialize( ss )
  33  io.writeln( object, object.index, object.name );