
C/C++ Function Binding (Python, Lua)


The followings are simple examples to demostrate the differences in building C/C++ funct
ion bindings for Python, Lua and Dao.

The main advantage of Dao for interfacing C/C++ functions is that, the C/C++ functions ca
n be registered with Dao function signatures, so that Dao can guarantee that only paramet
ers with correct types can be passed to the functions. This can save much boilerplate cod
e and overheads for parameter type checking and conversion, as well as codes for error ha
ndling for incorrect parameters.

 0   Python  

   1  #include <Python.h>
   3  /* Function to be called from Python */
   4  static PyObject* py_MySum(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
   5  {
   6      double x, y;
   7      PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "dd", &x, &y );
   8      return Py_BuildValue( "d", x + y );
   9  }
  11  /* Bind Python function names to C function(s) */
  12  static PyMethodDef MyModule_Methods[] =
  13  {
  14      { "MySum", py_MySum, METH_VARARGS },
  15      { NULL, NULL }
  16  };
  18  /* Module entry function: */
  19  void initMyModule()
  20  {
  21      (void) Py_InitModule("MyModule", MyModule_Methods);
  22  }

 0   Lua  

   1  #define LUA_LIB
   2  #include "lua.h"
   3  #include "lauxlib.h"
   5  static int lua_MySum(lua_State *L)
   6  {
   7      double x = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
   8      double y = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
   9      lua_pushnumber( L, x + y );
  10      return 1;
  11  }
  13  static const luaL_reg myfuncs[] =
  14  {
  15      { "MySum", lua_MySum },
  16      { NULL, NULL }
  17  };
  19  /* Module entry function: */
  20  LUALIB_API int luaopen_MyModule( lua_State *L )
  21  {
  22      luaL_register( L, "MyModule", myfuncs );
  23      return 1;
  24  }

 0   Dao  

   1  #include "dao.h"
   2  #include "daoValue.h"
   4  static void dao_MySum( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *pars[], int npar )
   5  {
   6      /*
   7      // No need to check parameter types here, they are guaranteed to be
   8      // two doubles when this function is registered as:
   9      //   MySum( x: float, y: float ) => float
  10      //
  11      // So the parameter values can be retrieved directly if "daoValue.h"
  12      // has been included, otherwise, one may use "DaoValue_TryGetFloat()".
  13      */
  14      double x = pars[0]->xFloat.value;
  15      double y = pars[1]->xFloat.value;
  16      DaoProcess_PutFloat( proc, x + y );
  17  }
  19  static const DaoFuncItem myfuncs[] =
  20  {
  21      /* A function signature must be provided for each function: */
  22      { dao_MySum, "MySum( x: float, y: float ) => float" },
  23      { NULL, NULL }
  24  };
  26  /* Module entry function: */
  27  DAO_DLL int DaoMyModule_OnLoad( DaoVmSpace *vmSpace, DaoNamespace *ns )
  28  {
  29      DaoNamespace_WrapFunctions( ns, myfuncs );
  30      return 0;
  31  }