
Dao Change Logs


 0.1  2013-11-26 

  *  CHANGED:   Implementation of frame(){} from syntax construct to built-in method; 
  *  REMOVED: Support for the assertion ?? operator,  use frame(){} instead. 

 0.2  2013-11-23 

  *  CHANGED:   Syntax for calling code section methods and syntax for data packing  (fun
     ction partial application, uniform initialization etc.) are swapped.  Namely, there 
     is no need for :: before { for code sections,  and it is required for data packing. 
     For example, 
        1  type MyTuple = tuple<int,string>
        2  tup = MyTuple::{ 123, 'abc' }
        3  fut = mt::start { rand() } # no ::
  *  CHANGED:   Syntax for decorator declaration is improved to avoid implicit declaratio
     n of the  variable for function parameters.  Previously the variable __args__ is aut
     omatically declared,  now users can declare it to be any name by placing it in a pai
     r of brackets  right after the parameter name of the first parameter. 
        1  routine @Decorator( func(args) : routine )
        2  {
        3      io.writeln( 'Calling function:', std.about(func) );
        4      return func( args, ... ); # ... for parameter expanding;
        5  }
  *  REMOVED: Support for the := operator.