By Limin Fu. Released under the GNU Free Documentation License. [NAME] ALL.daovm [TITLE] Dao Virtual Machine (Version 2.0) [DESCRIPTION] [STRUCTURE] daovm--| daovm: Dao Virtual Machine (Version 2.0) (59.5 KB) |--interface--| daovm.interface: Programming with The C Interfaces (38.0 KB) | |--embedding--| daovm.interface.embedding: Embedding Dao VM (7.6 KB) | |--extending--| daovm.interface.extending: Extending Dao VM (30.4 KB) | |--spec-------| daovm.spec: Various Specifications (21.5 KB) | |--instruction--| daovm.spec.instruction: VM Instructions (4.7 KB) | |--bytecode-----| daovm.spec.bytecode: Bytecode Format (16.8 KB) | |--struct-----| daovm.struct: The Structures of the Dao Virtual Machine (0.0 KB) |--vmspace----| daovm.struct.vmspace: VM Space (0.0 KB) |--namespace--| daovm.struct.namespace: Namespace (0.0 KB) |--class------| daovm.struct.class: Class (0.0 KB) |--routine----| daovm.struct.routine: Routine (0.0 KB) |--process----| daovm.struct.process: VM Process (0.0 KB)