[NAME] ALL.dao.type.list [TITLE] List Container Type [DESCRIPTION] In Dao, list is supported as a generic container type which can contain any data type. I nternally it is implemented as a dynamic array. 0.1 Definition 1 ListEnumeration ::= [ 'list' ] '{' ExpressionList '}' 2 3 # Items of Arithmetic Progression sequence: count ~ start [ ~ step ] 4 ListByArithProg ::= [ 'list' ] '{' Expression ':' [ Expression ':' ] Expression '}' 5 6 List ::= ListEnumeration | ListByArithProg When a list is created by enumeration without explicit type declaration, its type is inf erred from the first expression of the expression list, if the enumeration is not empty; otherwise, list<any> will be used as its type. 0.2 Examples 1 var list1 = { 1, 2, 3 } # list<int> 2 var list2 = { 1.0, 2, 3 } # list<float> 3 var list3 = { 1 : 5 } # list<int> 4 var list4 = list{ 1 : 2 : 5 } # list<int> [STRUCTURE] dao.type.list--| dao.type.list: List Container Type (13.9 KB) |--method--| dao.type.list.method: List Methods (13.0 KB)