By Limin Fu. Released under the GNU Free Documentation License. [NAME] ALL.dao.feature [TITLE] Feature Summary [DESCRIPTION] Key features: * Optional typing with type inference and static type checking: Optional typing allows variables to be declared with or without explicit types. Typ es will be inferred and checked whenever necessary and possible to allow early dete ction of bugs. Also explicit and inferred type information could be used do code a nd function specialization to make programs more efficient. * Just-In-Time (JIT) compiling: A standard module based on the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) compiler infrastruc ture is provided to support JIT compiling. Currently this JIT compiler module is ma inly developed for supporting numeric compuations. * Built-in support for concurrent programming: Concurrent programming is made simple by a number of concurrent code section method s and asynchronous classes. The basic concurrent computational unit is a tasklet wh ich consists of a virtual machine process (context) and a future value (handle). A tasklet is mapped to a native thread only when it becomes active. Tasklets can comm unicate and synchronize with each other by channels. Concurrent garbage collection is supported by the virtual machine to make concurrent program safe. * Transparent C programming interfaces: The C programming interfaces of the virtual machine are specifically designed for e asy embedding and extending. With the support of explicit type specification in fun ction parameter list, boilerplate codes for checking and converting parameter value s from Dao data types to C/C++ data types can be easily avoided. This means writin g Dao wrapper functions is significantly simpler than writing wrapper functions for other languages without explict typing in parameter list. * ClangDao for automatic wrapping of C/C++ libraries: ClangDao uses the C/C++ frontend of Clang to parse C/C++ header files and generates proper wrapping codes for Dao. It has been used successfully to generate a number o f bindings for Dao. Other interesting features: * Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Object-Oriented Programming support in Dao is class based. Dao classes are similar to C++ classes in several ways with a few new features. * Abstract and concrete interface: An abstract interface defines a set of abstract methods for static type checking. An concrete interface defines a set of implemented methods for a particular abstrac t interface and attaches itself to a target type such that the target type can be u sed as if it conforms to that abstract interface. A combination of interfaces and c lasses could support more flexible software design by both compositions and inherit ances. * Deferred block and exception handling by defer-recover: Deferred block is a code block whose execution is deferred to the time when the fun ction exits. Defer-recover is a mechanism to handle exceptions in deferred blocks. * Code section methods: Code section/block method is an alternative to functional methods in other language s such as Python. It is syntactically similar to Ruby Code Block. * Anonymous function: Anonymous functions and closures can be created anywhere in a program. Their defini tion is very similar to the normal functions. * Mixin class: Mixin class supports composing new classes without inheritance. Class decorator sup ports compiling time modification of classes, and support Aspect-Orient Programming through automatic application of class decorators. * Enum/flag/symbol type: The enum type in Dao is more or less a combination C++ enum and Ruby symbol. It has the advantage of both, and can be used in situations where C++ enum or Ruby symbol are typically used. * Variant or disjoint union type: Variant type is a combination of two or more types. A variant variable can hold a v alue of any of the combined types. * Invariable (immutable variable): Invariable can be declared with the invar keyword, as parameters, local variables, global variables and field variables. * Coroutine and generator: Module support for coroutine makes collaborative multithreading simple, and allows static type checking across the yielding and resuming boundary. * Customized for-in iteration; * Built-in multi-dimensional numeric array; * Built-in support for string pattern matching; * Built-in hash map type; * Template-like C data type; * Standard help system; * Data serialization;